Important Notice:
Please note that show registrations must be submitted at least three weeks prior to your first performance.
Registrations submitted within three weeks of the show opening may not be guaranteed consideration due to the potential unavailability of panelists.
To ensure your show is reviewed, please adhere to the submission deadline.
Yes, I have read the criteria for this panel and confirm that my show is eligible and I have selected the correct panel.
If this nomination is received less than three weeks before the season starts we will do our best, but cannot guarantee that judges will be available to attend.
NB: The members of our seven Industry Panels do their very best to get to all registered productions, however registering your production does not automatically guarantee attendance by the Green Room Awards panel members. Registrations should be submitted at least three weeks prior to your first performance to increase the likelihood of panel attendance.
REGISTRATION FEE: AUD $22.00 including GST
You will be taking to a payment page once this form is submitted.
In registering a work for consideration by the Green Room Awards, the company or individual must first establish the work’s eligibility, and then opt for consideration by one of the seven artform panels. All panels reserve the right to add and exclude awards on a year by year basis, depending on the work viewed and judged across the year.
Show registrations should be submitted at least three weeks prior to your first performance.